
This privacy and cookie statement was published on 31/01/2024.

This is the website of Vlaams Manifest, with registered office at Vlaanderenstraat 107B/401 - 9000 Gent (hereinafter also referred to as “Vlaams Manifest ” or “we”).

When you consult our website and communicate personal data, we, as data controller, handle these data very carefully and confidentially.

Your privacy is, after all, important to us.

Below you will find more information about how we collect personal data on our website and how we handle it. By using our website, you acknowledge that you have been made aware of this privacy statement. We may change the privacy policy at any time. It is therefore advisable to consult this privacy statement regularly.

Privacy statement

What does this privacy and cookie statement apply to?

This policy applies to Flemish Manifest's online services. This concerns our website: and any associated online internet services directly under our offer.

What personal data do we collect?

Through our website, we only collect personal data when you decide to provide identifying information to us through the registration form.

  • Contact data (name, address, e-mail address, telephone number, language, …)

You can of course visit our website without communicating personal data, however, you will not be able to use all the functions of the website.

In that case, it is possible that certain data are collected by placing cookies, for example to register the language in which you view the website.

You always have the option to refuse the placing of all non-essential cookies or to delete placed, non-essential cookies.

Here you can read more about this website's cookie policy.

What do we use your personal data for?

We use the personal data that you provide to us

  • To provide the features and services offered by Flemish Manifest 
  • To contact you so that we can respond to your queries
  • To send you (news) messages and promotional notices

To process the personal data we invoke your consent or, with regard to the sending of (news) messages and promotional notices, the legitimate interest of our company.

Who has access to your personal data?

We only share your personal data with your consent, if it is necessary to provide you with our services or if it is required by law.

We may, however, share your personal data with affiliated companies or with third-party data processors acting on our behalf.

When these service providers, acting on our behalf, act as data processors, we do not allow them to use or disclose such data in a way that does not correspond to the cases described in this privacy statement.

We do not sell the personal data we have collected to third parties under any circumstances, nor do we disclose it to them, except in the cases described in this privacy statement or as communicated to you at the time of collection.

We may also disclose your personal data

  • When required to do so by a particular law or legal process.
  • In the context of an investigation into suspected or actual fraudulent and illegal activities.
  • In the context of enforcing our rights

We reserve the right to transfer personal data in the event that we were to sell part or all of our business or assets. Should such a sale occur, we will take all reasonable steps to encourage the transferee to process personal data provided to us properly and in a manner consistent with this privacy notice.

Our website contains links to other websites. This privacy statement only applies to our website. We therefore advise you to consult the privacy statement of the other websites.

How long are personal data kept?

We keep personal data for as long as necessary to provide you with our services or for other essentialële purposes, such as complying with our legal obligations.

The data will be deleted 5 years after the end of any cooperation or after the last contact between us, except in case of an ongoing dispute.

What are your rights?

In accordance with European Regulation 2016/679 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, you may at any time request us to access, correct or delete all or part of your personal data. You may also lodge an objection to the processing of your personal data.

If you wish us to stop processing your data, you may always – withdraw your consent in whole or in part. However, this may then result in us no longer being able to provide our services.

If you have a request, a question or a complaint about the processing of your personal data, you can send it to, with a copy of your identity card. We undertake to provide a timely response to these requests and complaints.

If at any time you feel that any of your rights have not been respected, you can also additionally lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Authority at

Are your data safe with us?

We have taken the necessary physical and organisational security measures to effectively protect your personal data from unauthorised access and use and disclosures.

For example, only authorised persons can access your data, on a server protected by the certificate authority ‘Let’s Encrypt’, o.a. by encryption via SSL technology.


If you have further questions about this privacy statement, wish to exercise your rights, or wish to change the data or settings you have provided, please contact us here:

Address: Vlaanderenstraat 107B/401 - 9000 Gent

This privacy and cookie statement was published on 17/02/2023.

Introduction of cookies

Overlegcentrum van Vlaamse Verenigingen (hereinafter also referred to as “Vlaams Manifest” or “we”) believes it is important that you are able to take full advantage of our website and related online services. That is why we use techniques such as cookies and scripts. For convenience, we call these techniques ‘cookies’.

In this cookie policy, we provide you with a clear and transparent explanation of which cookies we use and why we do so.

What are cookies?

Cookies make it easier to use our website, so that your experience on our website and related online services is optimal.

Cookies and web storage technologiesën such as local and session storage (‘cookies’) are –e.g. –small text files that are installed on your device by your browser when you visit our website. These files contain unique codes that –e.g. – allow your browser to recognise you when you visit an online service.
Third-party web technologiesënsuch as scripts, pixels and tags that we integrate into our website also place cookies on your device.

Where do cookies come from?

Based on the origin of cookies, a distinction is made between so-called First-party cookies and Third-party cookies.

First-party cookies are cookies that we manage and use on the website you are currently visiting and any associated online internet services. It is that website or online service that creates and sets the cookies in order to – e.g. – function properly.

Third-party cookies are cookies that are not set by ourselves, the operator of the website you are currently visiting, but by third-parties. These third-parties may receive information by setting cookies, for example when you have loaded a page on the website.

If you do not want to allow Third-party cookies, you can refuse them in your cookie-settings.

If you refuse all Third-party cookies, you will only get the functions on the website that are guaranteed to work without them. In that case, parts of the website, and any associated online services, that may contain third-party content (and therefore may set third-party cookies) will not be available to you.</strong >
If you still wish to use the website's content, you will need to consent to the use of Third-party cookies.

You can consent to the use of these cookies in your cookie-settings.

Why do we use cookies?

First and foremost, cookies are used to improve your user experience and make our online services work better. Cookies make your online experience smoother and more interactive in various ways.

For example, – for example - the use of cookies does not require you to enter the same data all the time, such as your login details.
In addition, cookies can be used to make the content of our website(s) and (mobile) applications more interesting for you, by customising certain content to your personal tastes and needs.

Cookies are also used to map your surfing behaviour. For example, how you arrived at the website. By analysing this data, we can improve the website and any related online services where necessary, and respond to the preferences and needs of you and other users. Finally, this data can be used to fulfil certain reporting obligations.

What cookies do we use and for what purposes?

Several types of cookies may be set via the website and any related online services. These cookies can be divided into several categories, which we will explain in more detail below.

Essentiële cookies
They are used:

  • To allow the website to function as provided. 
  • To read browser settings to display the website optimally on your screen.
  • To evenly load the website, so that it remains accessible at all times.
  • To allow you to interact with the website.

Essentiële cookies, also called strictly necessary cookies, are cookies that are necessary for our website and any associated online services to work optimally. No consent is required for the use of these cookies, it is therefore not possible to disable or refuse them.

Functional cookies

  • To deliver multimedia content according to your needs and interests.
  • To remember settings and data selected and entered by you.

Functional cookies, also called recommendation cookies, enable a website to store data and settings already entered, such as usernames and language choices, so that it can offer you better and smarter features. Functional cookies also allow us to make more targeted recommendations and suggestions.
You can always enable or disable these cookies in the cookie-settings.

Analysis and optimisation cookies

  • To see how you visit the website.
  • To discover more about your personal visit to the various pages’s on the website.
  • To improve and adapt the website to your needs.

Performance cookies, also called statistical or analytical cookies, collect information about how the website and any associated online services are used. This information can be used to make statistical analyses. Thanks to the results of these statistical analyses, we can make the website and any related online services as user-friendly as possible, for example by – adapting the structure, navigation and content. In this way, we try to improve your experience on the website.
You can always enable or disable these cookies in the cookie-settings.

Marketing cookies

  • To make advertising content on websites or online banners more relevant to you and your specific interests.
  • To create online advertising that appeals to the right people with the right information.
  • To prevent the same ads from appearing over and over again.

Marketing cookies, also called targeting or reclama cookeis, track your browsing behaviour on our website and any associated online services to compile a profile that is used to show you relevant ads that match your personal interests. Marketing cookies only collect data that tells something about your media use. Personal data such as your name, address and the like are not used for this purpose.
You can always enable or disable these cookies in the cookie-settings.

To clarify: Disabling these cookies does not prevent you from seeing advertising. The advertising you will see will only be less relevant because it is not tailored to your – likely – interests. Marketing cookies ensure that the advertising you see is “tailored” to your interests.

Social Media cookies
Social Media cookies are used to enable the integration of social networking sites, such as Facebook and YouTube, on the website. The website may include embedded elements from third parties, or buttons to share certain elements on the website on a social networking site. These third parties may set cookies via the website to collect data, AgriRecover has no control over what these third parties do with this data. For more information about these cookies, please refer to the statements these third parties make about them on their own websites and online services. These statements may change regularly.

Overview of all cookies

Here is a detailed list of cookies used on this website:
